

Check with your roommate before bringing everything yourself. 通常是便利设施 in a room are shared and there’s no need (or space) for two of everything.

  • 包括什么

    Each room comes equipped with the following basic essentials:

    • 一种储衣方案
    • 一张桌子
    • 一种双人桌椅
    • 一张可调节高度的双人床
      • Beds are set to a medium height to accommodate both storage under the bed and ease 使用
      • The bed has a dual firmness twin mattress (firm or extra firm, depending on which 侧朝上)
    • 防火窗帘
    • 其他设施
    • Overhead or lamp lighting (varies by location)
  • 要带什么
    • 3M产品用于悬挂装饰
    • A place setting (plate, cup, bowl, silverware, etc.)
    • 一个长袍
    • A small safe for valuables or a laptop lock. Please consider purchasing an electronic 安全通过 宿舍楼协会.
    • Alarm clock, radio, Bluetooth speaker or MP3 player
    • 浴室用品(毛巾、毛巾). Please consider purchasing linens 通过 宿舍楼协会.
    • Bed linens (sheets, pillow, pillowcases and blankets). 除非另有要求, all mattresses are regular twin-sized beds. 请考虑购买床单 通过 宿舍楼协会.
    • 带u形锁的自行车. Bicycle racks are available outside each residence hall facility. Bikes should be locked by the frame and registered through 博天堂官方停车服务. (Locks are included in the registration cost through 博天堂官方停车服务.)
    • 手机,充电器
    • 冷暖天气穿的衣服
    • Electric heated blankets are allowed on campus, however, the blanket must be UL-approved and operated and maintained in full compliance with safety and sanitary standards.
    • Ethernet cord and adapter for your device
    • 鱼(最大20加仑水箱). Please see our other animal restrictions in the UNC 住房 and Residential Education Student Handbook
    • Laptop and/or computer (Note: Some majors might require special software)
  • Coordinate With Your Roommate/Suitemate
    • 基本用具(i).e. 开罐器)
    • 咖啡机/茶机
    • 数码电视兼容 博天堂官方的远地点校园电视系统
    • Induction cooking device (only if approved)
    • Microwave: 2 cubic feet and 1250 watt maximum. 请考虑租一辆联合车 microwave-refrigerator unit 通过 宿舍楼协会.
    • Printer: There are a number of printers on campus, including at several of our residence 大厅. 了解更多博天堂官方网站 熊打印.)
    • Refrigerator: 6 cubic feet and 3 amps maximum. 请考虑租一辆联合车 microwave-refrigerator unit 通过 宿舍楼协会.
    • Students who live in suite-style rooms will need to bring their own toilet paper.
  • Prohibited Items in a Residential Facilities

    UNC的 住房 and Residential Education Student Handbook contains the most current information regarding the rules and regulations of the 学生宿舍. Possession of prohibited appliances is a violation of the Student Rights and Responsibilities Community Standards and may result in disciplinary action. If you have questions about an appliance, hall staff (Resident Assistant, Community Assistant, Assistant Neighborhood 协调员, 住房 Assistant, Community Director, Neighborhood 协调员 or main office staff) are available to help determine if 器具获批准.

    • 动物:
    • Appliances: (Household Appliances other than those provided by UNC)
      • 空调
      • 洗碗机
      • 强制空气加热器
      • 烤箱/范围
      • 洗衣机
      • 超过1250瓦/2立方英尺的微波
      • 大于3安培/6立方英尺的冰箱
    • 净身
    • 蜡烛和/或熏香:
      • Candles (Note, decorative candles with the wick cut are allowed in residential facilities)
      • 香和香炉
    • 计算机网络设备:
    • Cooking appliances, including but not limited to:
      • 空气煎锅
      • Crockpots without an automatic shutoff (ones with an automatic shutoff are allowed)
      • 乔治·福尔曼烧烤
      • 热板
      • 即时壶
      • 烤箱
      • 华夫格铁
    • Combustible decorations or combustible light fixtures, including paper lanterns
    • 延长线:
      • Extension cords running from light fixtures
      • Multiple extension cords plugged into each other or use a spider-type configuration 延长线
      • Electrical extension cords must be well maintained and in good repair, have a grounding prong and bear the Underwriter Laboratory (UL) label.
    • 易燃液体或压缩气体:
      • Any type of flammable liquids or compressed gases or aerosols including tanks (propane, 丁烷等.)
      • 火把
      • 烤架
      • 灯笼
      • 其他气体操作装置
      • 熔岩灯
    • 家具:
      • Any alterations to UNC provided room furnishings
      • Bed risers, including cement/cinder blocks or other items to loft/raise a bed
      • Lofting of beds (homemade or non-approved bed lofts)
      • Using UNC-owned furniture in a manner other than which it was designed to be used 是被禁止的
      • 水床
    • 烤架 and grilling accessories:(other than those provided by UNC)
      • Use or storage of charcoal, kerosene, propane or electric grills
    • Lamps and light fixtures: (except for those provided by UNC)
      • 卤素灯
      • 改装或自制的灯具
      • Incandescent bulbs above the wattage rated for the fixture (Light fixtures in your room should be equipped with 60 watt for ceiling fixtures or 45 watt for lamps. Do 不要增加灯泡的尺寸或瓦数.)
      • 太阳的灯
      • 熔岩灯
    • Outdoor antennas (including but not limited to satellite dishes)
    • 机动车辆
      • The use (including charging), possession or storage of motorized vehicles and components are prohibited in residential facilities including hoverboards, motorized skateboards, motorized scooters, e-bikes and similar devices. 为…设计和使用的设备 accommodate persons with mobility restrictions should be reviewed by the 残疾人士资源中心 for use (storage and charging) inside residential facilities.
    • 武器及/或弹药:
      • 弹药
      • BB枪
      • 弓箭
      • 枪支
      • 武术武器
      • 漆枪
    • Vegetation of a combustible nature, including but not limited to:
      • 圣诞树
      • 风滚草
      • 花环
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